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Productivity Boosters

how to boost your productivity
Hands up if you're feeling the summer slump too? With muggy, hot days, Pokemon Go tempting me to throw everything out the window (gotta go outside and catch that Jigglypuff!) and the heat seriously wrecking havoc on my sleeping routine, I've been totally lacking in energy and productivity. Here's a few ways that I've been able to shrug off that slump and pick up my productivity levels...

1. Plan
Nothing boosts my productivity more than a good old to do list. Noting down and prioritising your day can really help you to keep on track and organised. For an incentive, I like to schedule in a little treat as the last item on my to do list, it normally ensures that I work hard to tick off all of my tasks!
A dreamy array of stationery helps me to stay motivated too, I love browsing the Rifle Paper Co for all my stationery needs, their To Do lists are just heavenly!

2. Get Inspired
One of the best things that I've done this year is to really take the time to find out what inspires me. I've worked out a few sure-fire ways to instantly boost my inspiration, spark my creativity and motivate me to get stuff done. It could be anything from stepping outside for an hour or yoga to baking at home. For me it's the excitement of a new season, browsing Pinterest, pretty interiors and home decor, reading Harry Potter, anything autumnal, festive or listening to coffifity or whilst I'm working!

3. Be Happy.
It's sometimes hard to be productive if you're feeling a little blue. To pick up my mood I try to create a happy, calm environment by surrounding myself with positive, mood boosting things. Whether it's lighting my favourite Diptyque candle, giving myself an Essie mani (love this duo - Essie Ladylike & Essie Summit of Style) or popping on some fairylights, anything that lifts your spirits should help you to work that little harder.

4. Hydrate & Energise 
Another way to up your productivity levels is to fuel yourself with a healthy, nutritious breakfast. I like to stir a little almond butter into my morning porridge to help keep up my energy levels and prevent a mid-morning slump in energy. Try making protein balls to snack on and keep you going till lunch, I love Deliciously Ella's energy ball recipes, these are next on my to make list! 
Sipping on water is also key, I like to make up a jug of fresh fruit infused water and pop it in the fridge to keep cool, focused and hydrated.

5. Tidy & Re-shuffle
Lastly, for a fail safe productive streak, I like to clear, clean and de-clutter my workspace. A little re-jig of your space to switch things up is a great way to keep inspired. There's nothing better than a tidy desk, it helps to de-stress and clear your mind leaving you ready to knuckle down and be productive!

Have you been feeling pretty un-productive lately like me? I hope these help!
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